A puffer jacket and a spring handbag

In the depths of winter, sometimes we need a reminder that there is more to life than damp pavements, dreary days and dark nights. For me, this can be looking back on photographs of summer, remembering it’s just a matter of time until we feel the sun beat down on our faces again. Other times… View Post

Why I always go back to classic style

There’s nothing better than falling in love with a piece of clothing… the feeling clothes can give you shouldn’t be underestimated! It doesn’t matter what other people think either – if you love it, truly adore it, and you want to wear it then do it! I’ve been experimenting a bit more with my style… View Post

Snow Day

The snow day. It’s that elusive moment in time when the dull Scottish sky transforms into an enormous heavy cloud that looks set to burst. Snowflakes appear one by one, slowly at first then faster, and thicker, until finally the world is almost blindingly-bright with the reflection of the powdery white landscape. You’d think we’d… View Post

Pumpkin Picking

I know, I know – another American tradition that’s made its way over to the UK. But the kids love it and anything that gets them outdoors enjoying some wholesome fun is fine with me. We went to Ethiebeaton Farm at the weekend, partly because it’s close to where we live but also because a… View Post

Decisions, Decisions

So, we went to my mum’s for dinner last night (stir fry and I just ate the leftovers for lunch, yum – thanks mum) and conversation got around to spending money. So, we asked each other a simple question: what three material things would you keep if all your stuff was taken away? Mr Man’s category… View Post