Nutella & Banana Crepes

IngredientsI’ve had crepes on the brain lately. It’s not really my fault; I mean, last Tuesday was Pancake Day, and this weekend Mr Man jetted off to Val D’Isere to hit the slopes – and you always eat crepes in France, oui? That feeling of being in Europe and ordering a warm, carby crepe with chocolate oozing out of every crevice, it’s pretty hard to beat. Sadly, I’m not going to France to ski, but I can still enjoy the apres ski – I cooked up some Nutella and banana crepes here in Scotland and, fortunately (or not so fortunately judging by my expanding waistline), they’re super easy to make and are a great homemade treat for breakfast or dessert – just add something sweet.

Step 1: Gather your ingredients.

100g plain flour, 1/2 teaspoon caster sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 225ml milk, 1 egg, (Nutella and bananas optional). Makes six crepes. Ish.



FlourStep 2: Make your crepe batter.

Combine the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Make a well in the centre of the flour, add the milk and egg, and beat well to combine. Heat a lightly oiled (I use a knob of butter) frying pan over medium to high heat. Pour the batter into the pan, using approximately 60ml for each crepe and – quickly! – tilt the pan in a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly. Watch the edges curl up – they’ll soon become cripsy, which makes a nice contrast to the squidgy inside.

Cooking1Step 3: Cook la crepe.

Cook the crepe for about two minutes, until the bottom turns light brown. You can peer at it by using a spatula or fish slice (I use a mini one) by loosening the edges and lifting. Don’t flip it until it’s turned a nice golden colour (see below). It can get a bit smoky at this point so maybe open a window, or just keep your heat on medium.

Cooking2Step 4: Make your crepe!

So, you’ve flipped your crepe and now both sides are a nice golden brown. Have a plate ready to slip the crepe out of the pan and straight onto the plate. Here’s the fun part: fill your crepe with yummy goodness. If you’re trying to stay as healthy as possible, just use some fresh fruit and fold. Or, if you’re going all out for a real treat, spread some Nutella over the crepe (I did one line of Nutella so as not to overdo it, but I’d highly recommend slathering Nutella across the entire crepe) and add some bananas – or not. Fold the sides over, or roll into three parts and ta-da! You’ve got yourself a scrummy homemade crepe. Mmm-mmmmm.




I made like the Euro-crepers and added scooshy cream to decorate.


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