Feeling healthier

This is a sponsored collaboration with Fish is the Dish.   Yesterday, I committed to a month without chocolate. You guys know how much of a big deal this is, given my self-confessed addiction to the stuff, but I’ve been feeling healthier lately and so I want to try to avoid chocolate – and sweets… View Post

A healthy but realistic start to 2018

This is a paid partnership with Fish is the Dish.  I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. In the past, I’ve made resolutions in January, and I’ve failed at them because I’ve set unrealistic challenges for myself. And nothing feels worse than failing, so I stopped making them around three years ago. Instead, I try… View Post

Wendy Gilmour, ThankFifi

Wendy H Gilmour, 33, is a Fashion and Travel Blogger at ThankFifi. I instantly fell in love with Wendy’s blog after finding her on Instagram some years ago; her fashion posts feature her adorable dog, Mr K so – of course – I was sold on ThankFifi instantly. Another doggy person who loves fashion? Surely… View Post

Time x Kerrie Aldo

Last week I popped along to Time, a fairly new boutique in Dundee, to have a nosey around the latest pop-up by Kerrie Aldo. Founded last year by Nicola Donnelly, Time Lifestyle Boutique is located in city centre, on Reform Street. Nicola’s vision was to establish a lifestyle boutique that offered quality products with solid design credentials and… View Post

The Daydreamer Goes To: Nira Caledonia, Edinburgh

  I recently stayed at the Nira Caledonia hotel in Edinburgh and I would highly recommend it to anyone who plans to visit Scotland’s capital city, whether for business or pleasure (ahem!).   I was there on business (with a bit of fun thrown in at Jane Davidson) and, rather than experiencing a dull, boxy… View Post