Outside the sartorial comfort zone

Even though I found my personal style in my early 30s (quality tailoring, pretty dresses, jeans, fine knitwear and a lot of neutral colours primarily made up of black) I still think it’s good to try something new now and then. Occasionally, I’ll try a look that’s outside my comfort zone, something that feels a… View Post

Black blazer, blue jeans

I think it would be pretty safe to say that a black blazer teamed with blue jeans is every busy woman’s staple go-to outfit. Whatever the occasion, these basic (but hard working) wardrobe staples are the answer when you’re either short of time or inspiration. I’ve worn the look to dinner with heels (as I… View Post

Fashion and their future

This post contains gifted clothing from Baukjen and affiliate links. As a parent, I have become acutely more aware of how much we, as society, are damaging our planet. I worry about the future of my children and wonder what the world that they live in will be like. I pray that things will stay… View Post